I published Nitya’s Notes and Nitya’s Recipes, a set of character options and other homebrew rules for in 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, on the Dungeon Masters Guild.

Nitya’s Notes

The first of the two books, Nitya’s Notes, includes many character options:

There is too much content to summarise it all here. So instead, here are a few excerpts:

The Awakened Pet is a character that used to be a pet, but their carer was also a caster who decided to make them a person.

Awakened Pet

Awakened pets are so rare that very few people, even the better traveled, have ever seen one. However, awakened pets are not a mere legend from a far away kingdom and they are not the recollection of confused travelers. Awakened pets are the result of experiments by Erkole `lead-into-gold’ Heavyberry and a few other wizards that attempted to follow in her magical footsteps. It is not clear whether she was trying to give more personality to her pets or was researching ways to reverse a lycanthropy curse, what is known is that she made her dogs as wise as she was.

You used to be a pet. Someone’s pet. But your keeper, either by choice or by accident, magicked you into a new self: with limbs like theirs and self-awareness like theirs.

Awakened pets traits

Your awakened pets character has a variety of abilities, some from your pet nature and others imparted by the magic that made you.

Ability Scores Increase Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Age Once awakened, you mature at a slow rate and can live for up to 200 years.
Alignment awakened pets generally have a similar good-neutral-evil alignment as their carer. Their lawful-neutral-chaotic alignment depends more on the instinct of their original pets: Cats tend to be more chaotic, Dogs tend to be more lawful.
Size Awakened pets have a wide range of height (from 4 feet to 7 feet) and weights (from 80 to 250 pounds). Regardless, your size is Medium.
Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Magically stable shape Because of the magic that gave you your new shape, other shape-changing magic is less likely to successfully affect you. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects that would alter your form. Additionally, you are immune to the lycanthropy curse.
Beast origin You are proficient in the Animal Handling skill.
Magical origin You learn one cantrip of your choice from the Bard, Druid, Cleric, Sorcerer, or Wizard spell list. Your spellcasting ability for this cantrip is determined by which class’s spell list the cantrip is chosen from: Wisdom for Druid or Cleric, Charisma for Bard or Sorcerer, and Intelligence for Wizard.
Language You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice that your keeper speaks.
Subrace Depending on which pet you used to be before the awakened, you belong to one of the following subraces: Bunny, Cat, Dog, Rat, Turtle.

The Symbiotic Magic is a Sorcerous Origin that is onset by a small organism that lives in the Sorcerer’s brain.

Symbiotic Magic

You are two. And two are you.

You are you, the one that others see. That Gnome, Dwarf, Elf, or some other body. You are the Host.

You are you, the one nestled in the recesses of the Host’s brain. You are that microscopic magical fungus colony. You are the one tearing, patching, and folding the weave of magic that permeates the world. You are the Symbiont.

You are you, the sum of the Host and the Symbiont, and more than the sum. You are the bonds between them. You are the trust and understanding they built. You are the synergy.

You are you.


Two minds

Also starting at 6th level, you have advantage on saving throws made to maintain concentration on a spell.

When you reach 14th level, you become able to keep concentration for a little bit longer than other people. Whenever you break concentration, you can decide to maintain the effect of your spell until the beginning of your next turn.

The Tattoo Kit is a Artisan’s tools for those who put pigments under others’ skin.

Tattoo Kit

A tattoo kit (20 gp, 4 lb.) contains the necessary components to create tattoos.

Components Tattoo kits include bandages, several needles, small quantities of strong alcohols, small amounts of inks and pigments. The bigger, sturdier needles are used for tattooing Dragonborn and other scaled creatures. The inks and pigments can be prepared or bought in large cities.

History, Insight, Investigation You can recognize tattoos, symbols, insignias, and other markings. For example, the coming of age markings of barbarian tribes, the devices of military forces, the arms and mottoes of noble families, the membership markings for clandestine organizations. In addition, you are able to identify the language that a writing is in even when you do not speak, read or write that language.

Tattoo You can create tattoos. Both the preparation and the tattooing itself take time.

The Gloves of Familiarity are a pair of enchanted gloves to try and make others friendlier to you.

Gloves of Familiarity

Wondrous item, rare (attunement optional)

When you are wearing the gloves and shake hands with a humanoid, you can use your action to cast charm person (spell save DC 15, no material or verbal components are required, the handshake is the somatic component) targeting that humanoid. Once you have used the gloves this way, you cannot do so until next dawn.

If you attune to the gloves, you can also use the gloves in the following way. You make a gesture and spend your action to cast charm person (spell save DC 16, no material or verbal components are required, the gesture is the somatic component) on a humanoid target. The target must see you and recognize the gesture as a greeting (e.g., waving hello). Once you have used the gloves this way, you cannot do so until next dawn.

You can get Nitya’s Book from the Dungeon Masters Guild. Don’t hesitate to leave comments and reviews, and you can also send me feedback to .

Nitya’s Recipes

The second of the two books contains rules for foraging ingredients and dissecting them out of slained monsters. And it contains rules for crafting those ingredients into useful items.

You will be able to combine the silk sack of a spider, the feather of a comoon bird, and a hill fern into a small good luck charm that protects you from fal damage. One thing though: you can only craft this charm at night.

You will be able to enchant wine so the alcohol inside has no effect.

You will be able to mix a crush scorpion, a spider, some tea-leaves, and some sand into a mind-clearing potion. It will help you maintain concentration on spells, but you will need to decide whether the side-effects are worth it.

You will be able to mix eggs from a rare bird, a few flying insects, and some spirits, and enchant the result into a potion that halves your weight. But if you mess up the crafting, it might have the opposing effect.

These and many more possibilities are available to players with the rules and recipes available in Nitya’s Recipes. You can get Nitya’s Recipes from the Dungeon Masters Guild. Don’t hesitate to leave comments and reviews, and you can also send me feedback to .